XP Lore (LP)Nachtzug
Dance Division (LP)Atmoz
Popcorn / Synthetic sister N 1 (SP - 45)Mister K.
0 43 1435, 1972
Druhá doba? (LP)Banket
9313 2028, 1988
Sanfter Rebell (LP)Stefan Waggershausen
205 150, 1982
Kontury (LP)Fotoplastikon
ENDILLP01, 2020
Die Offene Gesellschaft (LP)Alessandro Adriani
Montagne Transparenti (LP)Alessandro Adriani
MF 111, 2016
Energy - DJ's In The House (LP)various artists
EP 0001-1 311, 1991
Back in Black (LP)Whodini
JLB 8407, 1986
Energy - DJ's In The House (LP)
EP 003-1 331, 1991
E /live/ (LP)E (Vladimír Kokolia, Josef Ostřanský,...
GE 0019, 1990
Firebird (LP)Isao Tomita
ARL1-1312, 1976
Innocent (LP)Peter Gordon
BFM 42098, 1986
Shake! Yeah! Uh Huh! (45 UPM - velký singl)Von Bopp
BC 12-2169-40, 1988